Boost Your Immune Wellness and Resilience

As we approach flu season again in Melbourne, it’s crucial to prepare our bodies to combat not only the usual flu but also the challenges posed by Covid-19. The combination of colder weather and the ongoing pandemic means that our immune systems need extra support. This article aims to empower and inform you about key nutrients and self-care practices to bolster your immune health.

Quick Mindfulness Exercise

Before diving into nutritional advice, take a moment to breathe deeply. If you're feeling anxious or stressed, acknowledge this feeling instead of pushing it away. Place your hand on your body where you feel this emotion and ask yourself, “What do you need from me right now?” This simple practice supports your nervous system, which in turn, bolsters your immune response.

The Essentials for Immune Health, particularly if you feel you have been exposed or about to get sick.

TIP #1: As soon as you feel unwell it is important to implement, warmth, hot bath, bed, sleep. - to enable your immune system to support you.

TIP #2 A fever has a purpose. A fever is the bodies own defense mechanism that heats up the temperature of your blood to help you fight a virus. If you take Panadol or Iboprofen to reduce the fever you may find your illnesses prolonging. I like to use Biomedica Bioflam for fever associated headaches, body aches and pains.

Dietary Tips:

·       Hydration: Drink at least 2 liters of filtered or spring water daily - preferably warm in winter. Add slices of ginger to hot water or enjoy a turmeric latte with non-dairy milk - for its anti-inflamatory properties.

·       Hydration 2: start sipping on some chicken bone broth soup. - the glutamine from the marrow of bones will help with immune healing in your digestive system.

·       Sleep: Ensure adequate rest to allow your body to heal. If you struggle with sleep, seek naturopathic support. - herbs may help.

·       Clearing Mucus: Use eucalyptus and/or tea tree oil, 2-3 drops in a facial steam bath to clear nasal passages.

Eat a Rainbow: Consume a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily to ensure a good intake of vitamin C, carotenoids, and antioxidants. Focus on organic produce and include lots of garlic and ginger in your diet. When you are feeling up to eating again, sip on chicken and veggie soup or congee, or bone broth. IMMUNE BOOSTING RECIPES

Protein Sources: Ensure adequate protein intake from sources like mushrooms, lentils, beans, nuts, oily fish, chicken, and red meat.

Whole-Food Diet: Opt for fresh, whole foods over refined options to provide your body with the necessary nutrients in their natural ratios.

Dietary Exclusions:

·       Sugar: Avoid sugar as it suppresses the immune system.

·       Caffeine: Limit caffeine intake as it can stress the immune system and deplete nutrients.

·       Additives: Avoid preservatives, colorings, and additives. Stick to foods that look like their original form.

Micronutrients for Immune Support

Vitamin C & Zinc:

·       Vitamin C: Daily doses of 1-2g can reduce the duration and severity of colds. Higher doses may be necessary during illness.

·       Zinc: Adequate zinc intake supports immune function. Foods rich in zinc include oysters, red meat, nuts, and seeds.

Vitamin D:

·       Ensure your vitamin D levels are above 100 ng/mL, especially in winter. Consider supplementation if levels are low and get at least 15 minutes of sunlight daily.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC):

·       NAC can help break up mucus and has strong antioxidant properties. It is beneficial for lung health and overall immune support.

Herbal Medicines:

·       Herbs like Astragalus, Liquorice, Baical Skullcap, Sweet Wormwood, Bupleurum, and Andrographis have shown antiviral properties. Medicinal mushrooms like Shiitake, Turkey Tail, Reishi can also support immune health. - A qualified herbalist or naturopath can assist you to choose the correct herbs for your presentation.

If you feel unwell, make a time for personalised advice, consider scheduling an online consultation to review your health and develop an individualised immune protocol or a back up plan for when you are coming down with ‘the Lurgy’.

Stay safe and take care of yourself.

With love

Christine Carley

naturopath I acupuncturist

Love Thy Health

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